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Side Effects of a Faulty Fuel Gauge on Your Mercedes in Decatur

Mercedes Faulty Fuel Gauge

Posted on April 15, 2019 by Amy No Comments

A gas gauge failure in your Mercedes may sound more like an inconvenience than a truly disturbing problem, but it’s not an inconvenience you want to live with. In fact, since a faulty fuel gauge can create problems in other parts of your vehicle, it’s vitally important that you get this issue fixed the moment you discover it. For more information on faulty fuel gauges and the side-effects it create, just keep reading our informative guide.

What is a Fuel Gauge?

You probably know that your fuel gauge is important because it tells you how much gas is in your tank and when you need to top up again. That’s why it’s likely one of your main sources of information while driving and a feature you check frequently. So, what happens if your fuel gauge is malfunctioning?

A faulty fuel gauge can disrupt your entire driving experience through its display of inaccurate information. You may think you have plenty of fuel and continue your journey without a worry, only to find yourself stranded in the middle of the highway. And if running out of gas unexpectedly doesn’t sound like enough of an inconvenience, consider the effects a faulty fuel gauge can have on other parts of your vehicle.

What are the Side Effects of a Faulty Fuel Gauge?

If your fuel gauge is failing, this means that other parts of your fuel pump are overcompensating to try and make up for it. This will exponentially increase the everyday wear and tear on your fuel pump, speeding up its decline and the need to ultimately replace it. In the worst case scenario, overcompensating for the faulty fuel gauge can cause your fuel pump to overheat, which in turn will damage other elements of your vehicle.

Constantly running low on fuel can also cause your fuel pump to pick up sediments it should be filtering out. This can clog your fuel filter, your fuel injectors, or your high-pressure fuel pump, leading to a host of additional issues.

What Causes a Faulty Fuel Gauge?

If you’re worried about your Mercedes experiencing this problem, it’s helpful to begin by identifying the possible issues that can cause it. As you’ll see here, there are a variety of causes, and a trained mechanic who specializes in German automotives is best qualified to identify the specific issue afflicting you.

Sending Unit Failure

This is the most common cause of a faulty fuel gauge, and also the most easily treated. Sending unit failure occurs through accelerated wear and tear on the unit and in turn, impacts multiple parts of your vehicle. Because the sending unit is constantly moving while the car is moving, it can get worn down very quickly due to non-stop rubbing of the variable resistor. Over time, this rubbing causes the resistor to give way altogether, creating an open circuit. So, if the sending unit has gone dead, your fuel gauge is no longer able to accurately communicate with it, and this will lead to misinterpretations about the actual level of fuel in your tank.

Circuit Problems

Circuit Problems can also cause your fuel gauge to stop functioning properly. This is because disruptions in the circuit can lead to loose connections and disrupted communication between the circuit, the fuel sender, and the fuel gauge. Misinterpretations in your fuel gauge can occur if the fuel sender does not have a source voltage, the gas gauge does not have fuel sender voltage, or if the ground for either one has been interrupted.

How Can You Fix a Faulty Fuel Gauge?

Fixing a faulty fuel gauge is difficult, but not impossible, Mercedes Mechanic especially not if you have the advice of a trained mechanic. And at Munich West, that’s exactly what we aim to provide. We understand that as an owner of a luxury European automotive, you appreciate the finer things in life and you probably pride yourself on keeping your vehicle in peak condition. That’s why we believe that you also deserve the best in automotive care. So, if you’re in the Decatur or Atlanta, GA areas and you’re having trouble with your Mercedes’ fuel gauge, give your car the best—bring it to Munich West!

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