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Why Are Tire Rotations Important for Your Car?

Mechanic Rotating Tires

Posted on September 24, 2018 by Amy No Comments

Car care and routine maintenance: they are what keep your car running smoothly. Part of that routine maintenance is tire rotation. Many people think that you can just put tires on your car and drive until they need air or to be replaced. Unfortunately, that is a myth. Your tires need to be rotated at regular intervals. Below, we discuss the reasons why tire rotation is so important.

What is Tire Rotation?

Tire rotation the act of moving the tires and wheels of a car or truck from one position to another. Tire rotation is important to extend the life of your tires. Nobody wants to replace tires all the time; they aren’t cheap, after all. The best way to avoid frequent tire replacement is to rotate your tires on a regular basis.

Why Rotate your Tires?

There are several reasons to rotate the tires on your car. Here are a few of the most important reasons to rotate your tires:

Even tire wear

You will want to rotate your tires because it ensures even tire wear. Tires that wear unevenly can cause frequent replacement, bad vibrations, or blown tires. When you replace your tires you want to replace them all at once and keep them all wearing the same.

Preserve balanced handling

When you preserve the balanced handling of your vehicle’s tires it helps maintain traction. This is especially important on wet roads.

Maintain manufacturer warranty

Many manufacturers require regular tire rotation to keep their warranty valid. Most auto shops offer a free tire rotation when they perform routine service like oil changes.


It is less expensive to rotate your tires when you have an oil change or tune up performed on your car than it is to replace your tires before their life span is up. Why pay several hundred dollars twice a year or more when you could pay $30 every couple of months and have a tire rotation as part of your service?


Safety is an important reason to have your tires rotated. If you have suspension issues, they will show in how your tires wear. When your tires wear unevenly and you don’t have them rotated, it leaves them at risk for one or more tires to fail by wearing more than the others. Tires that wear unevenly are more likely to blow at high speeds, which can be dangerous for you and other motorists on the roads.

There are many aspects that can affect the balance, wear, and condition of your tires. Routine tire rotations will help keep your tires wearing evenly to help ensure they last as long as possible. Your suspension is a big factor in how your tires wear, so if you rotate your tires whether you have suspension issues or not, each tire gets a chance to wear evenly.

Driving habits will also affect how your tires wear and how often you need a tire rotation. If you drive a lot, drive at high rates of speed, or brake quickly, you will want to keep up with tire rotations on a regular basis. All of these things will play a role in how your tires wear and how quickly you will need to replace them.

Time to Save Your Tires

Car on Road Remember, your tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. If you don’t have good tires your vehicle isn’t going anywhere. Another key point to keep in mind is that if you don’t take care of your tires it can be expensive to replace them. This is even more important when your vehicle has two wheel drive, as the wheels that power the vehicle will generally take on more wear and tear than the others.

Make sure to visit the professionals at Munich West in the Decatur, Atlanta Georgia area to have them check your tires and rotate them if they need it. Failure to rotate your tires can cause uneven wearing of the tread, loss of traction when it’s needed the most, and can void any manufacturer warranty that your tires may have. Our service technicians are ready and waiting to help you rotate your tires on a schedule to keep them safe for as long as possible.

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